Föreslagna åtgärder:
-every part of government shall create plans to reduce CO2 by 1%/month for the entire 4 year elected term.
-shall have universities estimate and measure CO2 levels per action, eg. Drawdown.
-shall check and report on every media channel and be examined publicly in weekly town hall meetings.
-shall negotiate a temporary halt to agreements which inhibit these plans until CO2 < 350ppm.
This is the CEMUS standard for the planning:.
Motiv och bakgrund:
Sverige måste klimat- och resursbanta från 11 ton utsläpp mot 1 ton, från 4,2 planeter mot 1 planet (källa: WWF). Det krävs kraftfulla åtgärder mot klimathotet genom minskad konsumtion (= minskat resursuttag). Inom områden som transporter (prio nöjes- och onödigt flyg), livsmedel (prio matsvinn och endast naturbetat rött kött) och byggnation (prio från cement-järn till trä).
För att klara detta behövs en övergripande klimat- och resursplan, som saknas idag, och som innehåller åtgärder för att nå klimat- och hållbarhetsmålen.
At the meeting between Staffan L and Kevin A. 6 feb, it was clear that if we want to meet our Paris promise, we need to be on track for a reduction of CO2 somewhere around 12%year continuously for the next 10 to 12 years, starting 1 Jan 2018.
Our top scientists are requiring a plan from each of our political parties, to reduce CO2 pollution of 1%/month for 48 months. No party is offering anything near this. Our planning, prediction and measurement processes are currently up to the task. Most people in Sweden have no idea of even the order of magnitude required. This status can no longer be accepted. Money from riks bank shall be provided to ensure that we have this work achieved quickly and reasonably with reasonable estimates and then depth.